Friday, August 29, 2008

dallas' finest and a sigh of relief

so allison got in a wreck last night. i was about 20 minutes into my trip to fort worth when i got a phone call from her. i answered the phone and she was bawling her eyes out. i immediately gripped the steering wheel and turned off the air conditioner in an attempt to make the cabin of the car as silent as possible. through the several noises i heard, i made out the words "i just got in a wreck."

i failed to mention earlier (failed to mention, intentionally left out, take your pick) that i was driving allison's car because she gets better gas mileage than my suv. which means that she got in a wreck in my car. now, i love my car. it's been a good (for the most part) car to me and i love having it. but at that moment, i literally couldn't have cared less about that pile of metal. even as i turned around and sped toward her, not once did i think "oh no, my car." even as i pulled up to the crash site and walked up to see my car, smashed in on the front right side, i literally felt nothing. it was just not something you'd expect....i mean, don't get me wrong, of course my love for allison and my love for my car are on two opposite wave lengths, but this was almost weird feeling. i guess it goes to show how much God can grow people. honesly at that moment you could've told me that my car was totaled (it very well may be...just haven't heard yet) and i wouldn't have had a care in the world, because i knew allison was ok. not even jarred or anything. Praise the Lord.

as a final thought, i would like to say how impressed i was with the dallas police department. they were incredibly nice and helpful with everything. they were so sweet to allison, just constantly reassuring her that cars can be fixed but people can't be. not really what you'd expect from them, but i'm really glad they handled it the way they did.